Uniform suitable for your job (ie safe) and not chosen because it looks nice for passengers
Ya la mujer se ha logrado posicionar a nivel mundial sin necesidad de leyes que obliguen a abrirse espacio… en la política,… en la ciencia… industria… ya es tiempo de olvidarnos de leyes proteccionistas pues las mujeres tienen lo necesario para posicionarse… Adelante
Hire more than three female crews who have strong responsibility and do their job in same ship.
Autonomous vessels enable more diverse (shore) crew to operate them without having to be away from family and loved obes. This in general improves seafarer’s life and diversity of work and gender.
Career opportunities for women more flexible working arrangements. Recognition of Aboriginal women’s knowledge in traditional water craft and activities
Shipowners be obligated for 50%women on board until 2022
Incorporar la participación femenina en la toma de decisiones, inicialmente en forma obligatoria con un mínimo de 1 o 2 votos hasta llegar a una situación de paridad en el futuro. Es un cambio cultural necesario.
Equal chances to all people no matter their gender
That sexual harassment is treated seriously by employers at sea and not simply brushed under the carpet
Take women onboard
Education for all, girls should be empowered through basic education.
Never give up, consistently work hard and thank those people who have always believed in you because they see something special in you. They see talent.
Advancing women all round the world for a better change
Paid Maternity Leave to match shorebased employees and flexible return to work options in the aftermath.
Mayores oportunidades de empleo a bordo de los Buques y en general en la industria del Comercio Marítimo Internacional para las mujeres que con sus competencias personales de género favoreceran positivamente el ambiente laboral que de por si es muy difícil
Equal opportunities for everyone (with gender equality)…..
Capacity Building for Policy & Regulation makers Globally on Gender Equality
Equal opportunities for all gender.
La mujer es importante en el sector marítimo y portuario porque son pieza fundamental para toda labor que el hombre realiza en la vida cotidianay por eso pienso que son el complemento para que todo hombre funcione en un ambiente laboral agradable
Select people for jobs based on their resumes, without knowing their name as a clue to gender. Solely on their skills and experience, not berthing constraints.
I wish woman to participate in coastal engineering field and share her engineering knowledge with others
– More and more GENDER EQUALITY (which means MORE AND MORE FEMALE MARINE CREW) needed ON BOARD with a considerable and sustainable boost from IMO and the whole Merchant Marine industry.-Dr. Güntürk Üstün from Istanbul/Turkey-
More flexible working options for women who choose to have families and still want to work away.
Gender equality for me is not just about equal salary or equal opportunity given to men and women onboard, for me it’s about how much the shipping company can take good care of their employees, seamen or seawomen, onboard or ashore. I am proud to say, I was onboard, I am onboard and I will be onboard! My life is at sea.
Promote women’s academic education in navigation and marine engineering and equality of opportunities.
Ensure that all seafarers are protected from abandonment and are fully protected by a P&I fund managed by IMO.
One thing that could be done on board ships to empower women, is to improve access to contraception. I worked as a senior doctor for 10 years for various companies, many which had excellent setups for managing crew and their chronic illnesses, but contraception was neglected and left to crew to arrange for themselves. Setting up a service to provide this on board, by a skilled family planning team could be something ships could consider to lead the way in providing women with this service which the unitednations describes as a basic human right
At the time of Appraisal for recruitment or promotion take multiple views from various designation about the person irrespective of gender.
Advocate for establishment of a reporting and action framework for all gender related harrasment and sensitize seafarers on the same.
Women have an increasingly leading role in the maritime industry worldwide, this is a great achievement for this and future generations. Let’s work for it !! Las mujeres tienen un rol cada vez más protagónico en la industria marítima a nivel mundial, esto es un gran logro para esta y las futuras generaciones. Trabajemos por ello!!
More opportunities by reservation
No longer excusing coworkers sexist behaviors as the normal culture in the industry
Igualdade a todos
Gaji di indonesia yang belum bisa sama dan tidak diperhatikan
Eliminate Pregnancy Discrimination for women seafarers by making compulsory, the adoption of Maternity rights and policies about the break in service and allow the mothers to get back at sea!
Gender discrimination should be enforced and strict compliance by companies. Companies should not restrict females on the type of vessel to work on thereby stopping one from aspiring to the peak of her career. Some will keep all females on a surfer boat in the company against their desire to work onboard bigger size vessels
More equality for opportunity
Respect towards gender, race and culture of individual.
Propose an IMO Gender Equality Code where the objective focuses on discrimination and gender
I strongly encourage women to take the chance to be part of the maritime sector. Nothing is impossible if you stick to your dream and commit yourself to it, only then you will succeed in the maritime field
Many women in the world are struggling to change the world, as are many men. Who then are the ones who put the brakes on them? Society must change its thinking in superiority or gender differences because only then will we find the key to development.
A course previously join on board about human limitation of both genders will make us more consicious about what we are capable and motivate us to help between crew members. Humanization in our workplace.
Security & Equality to each and every woman in our organisation as a part of your family.
A course previously join on board about human limitation of both genders will make us more consicious about what we are capable and motivate us to help between crew members. Humanization in our workplace.
Educating the younger generation of seafarers that seafaring profession is not just for the league of Adam, but for everyone who has a brave heart and soul to sail the seas.
More work opportunity, coz women can also do a good job or a better job than a man.
Stop disrimination
Darle la oportunidad de dirigir altos cargos a las mujeres.
RESPECT and RESILIENCY, if all seafarers possess those trait and attitude in their dealings with everyone on-board regardless of gender or race there will be no discrimination for we will understand each other’s uniqueness and diversities, we adapt and change our ways and attitude leaning towards better teamwork
Stop making advertising campaigns about equal opportunity and start actively investigating complaints, ask females that have left companies why. Companies won’t start caring about equal opportunity until they are held accountable for what females have had to yelierate in their roles.
Improve social couverture of seafarers, focus on maritime culture from first level edudation untill high education
Cumprir as escalas de todas empresas de Acordo com o estabelecido. Independente do cargo que ocupe. Assim como remunerar cada função de forma isonômica. Independente do sexo.
1. Remove from using ODME. 2. Oil company’s to be stop own requirements
Equal opportunity!!
To encourage everybody onboard to grow in their occupation.
If I could make one change, I would be a Savannah Pilot. There are still several ports in America that will not consider a female applicant.
Would be to sensitize men regarding acceptable behaviour towards women onboard. Sometimes getting carried away in an all male environment ‘conditions’ mindset and one is carried away to overlook it when women are onboard.
Brazil is a great example with two Merchant Marine schools where it includes a large number of women, cadets without any type of discrimination. Nowadays they are hired in the different Brazilian merchant companies.
Brasil es un gran ejemplo com dos escuelas de Marina Mercante donde incluye un gran número de mujeres,cadetes sin cualquier tipo de descriminación. Hoy en dia son contratadas en las diversas empresas mercantes brasileñas.
In the engine department we still have a lot o prejudice against women, this mentality need to change, There is no difference when it comes to capability between genders and there is nothing more to be proved. Women have already conquered their space on board.
Stop Gender Discrimination onboard the ships
Si Quieres construir un barco no empieces por buscar madera, cortar tablas o distribuir el trabajo. Evoca primero en hombres y mujeres el anhelo del mar libre y ancho
Get young girls into programs other than just sailing.
Es importante que dejemos atrás la discriminación, y empecemos a creer y a aceptar que nosotras las mujeres somos capaces de ocupar grandes cargos, ya que somos disciplinadas, dedicadas y le ponemos amor y esfuerzo a todo lo que hacemos. #IAMONBOARD #DAYOFTHESEAFARER
Company should hire the girl candidates from every MTI not just few selected MTI. Company should have not criteria for selecting candidates from particulars MTI and neglecting others.
Eliminate the coveralls requirement. The fire retardant washes off and pants and a shirt are more comfortable and easier to deal with when you go to the bathroom
Es importante que dejemos atrás la descriminacion, y empecemos a creer y aceptar que nosotras las mujeres somos capaces, de ocupar grandes cargos, ya que somos disciplinadas, y dedicada y le colocamos amor y esfuerzo a todos lo que hacemos. #IAMONBOARD #DAYOFTHESEAFARER
Empower and encourage women to join the navy! It’s a great job. Challenge the HR-services to engage 50% men and women in Defence! Mixed teams have an exponential effect on the results in an organisation!#thebelgiannavy
Por que la capacidad es la misma… We have the same abilities. #IAMONBOARD.
We should give chance everyone who wants
Protect everyone, encourage everyone,help everyone irrespective of gender. No one should be treated special.
Celebración de este día no solo para la gente que labora a bordo de algún buque, sino también para el personal que laboran en tierra.
Labor law on each country / international should gantry EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES to male and female when it comes to pregnancy and balance offshore career and parents duties.
Promotion judge by capability not gender.
let’s change to strengthen the change
La mujer en la sociedad es un ser de gran poder para transformar entornos, en el sector marítimo su huella se hace cada vez más grande. La capacidad de liderazgo, compromiso, trabajo, entrega, entusiasmo e iniciativa para enaltecer la labor de las mujeres en el sector marítimo y portuario, en pro desarrollo del país y del propio sector. hace notar su presencia de manera positiva. #IAMONBOARD #DAYOFTHESEAFARER
#IamOnBoard con igualdad de genero! Ser mujer y formar parte de la Marina Mercante Nacional es un orgullo. Se debe promover la imagen del genero femenino en el sector marítimo y reconocer el esfuerzo y dedicación que ejercemos las mujeres en la mar.
Training network in all nautical schools
More equality and dignity. Equality in the dispute of vacancies, equality in the wages for the women. Dignity of treatment of companies with the professional sea. Above all respect humanistic.
Rethink the procedures and policies in a strategic and respectful way to guarantee equality and opportunities in all the hierarchical levels!
Develop empathy! Respect each other & respect yourself! Desenvolva a empatia! Respeitar uns aos outros e respeitar a si próprio!
Education and awareness to promote gender iquality within seafarers
Storytelling and campaigns are key for inspiring and motivating youngsters! Lets eventually bridge that gap through increased awareness!
Equal opportunities for everyone
Change national law and give opportunities for women to be diver as a profession (it is prohibited in my country)
Las mujeres somos capaces de desempeñar cualquier cargo, además de ser dedicadas y decididas porque a cada trabajo le ponemos amor y esfuerzo a lo que hacemos. #IAMONBOARD #DAYOFTHESEAFARER
Hire more women in maritime, from the top down. We need more Sr. mgmt that is female, more leaders that are female and more women overall hired within the industry.
Ensure that transgender women have equal access to job opportunities in the maritime sector.
Stop discrimination
La igualdad de las mujeres debe ser un componente central en cualquier intento para resolver un problema
Progresar en el mar, dar un ejemplo que las mujeres podemos ser mucho mejor estando en el mar. #IAMONBOARD #DAYFTHESEAFARER
After about 6 years offshore, I would say more education and visibility about life at sea. The more awareness there is the easier it will be to engage organisations on changes to address challenges for women at sea. More women will also begin to see careers at sea as viable options, creating a better gender balance in the years to come.
To encourage and support all personnel regardless of Gender, ethnicity, orientation or other minority to feel comfortable and speak out on areas that we as an industry fall down on so that we can all learn and succeed together in the best way possible!
I’d improve communications technologies on board so that seafarers could more easily be in touch with families back home.
Peoples perceptions of seagoing careers being male oriented needs to change. When I studied for my Maritime Law degree at University, my class was predominantly Males. When I worked as a ships agent for a few years here in the UK, I only saw approximately 3-4 women working on board ships as crew. It was always a refreshing sight to see. An industry where competencies and attitude are the main driving forces behind hiring your staff/crew needs to come to the forefront, and push aside the status quo.
Amend the maternity leave for females
Cada mujer, tiene una imagen que puede ser motivo para inspirar a otras.Como mujer en el sector marítimo debes mostrar mucha aptitud y actitud, mi inspiración es luchar por lo que quiero, esa perseverancia que me acompaña junto al hecho de mi responsabilidad ante lo que me empeño en lograr, considero es un aporte que ojalá le sirva a alguien.
All seafarers without gender discrimination shall be allowed to hold Seafarers Identity & Record Book by all Flag States so that they can join any ship they choose.
Share stories of success; this is a good start! Congratulations to the IMO.
Education to everyone we come across, would go a long way. Simple hints with those we interact with daily, will take gender equality to the next level.
I will change the narrative and show women that once we unit and love each other, we can concur, for love is the greatest gift of all.
I would treat women as women, as they possess a different skillset, advantages & disadvantages compared to men. I would make changes to the work environment, whatever is possible within my power, to accommodate this new skillset. For example, a dedicated toilet for women near the workplace. Easy availability to menstruation items.
Lead with inspiration not intimidation
If there is one thing i could do to achieve gender equality in seafaring, it would be ensuring that the life at sea will be read, watched, discussed and shared on land more and more and vice versa too. Reducing the communication gap between the land and the sea will help spreading information about the career possibilities while removing the fears or confusions about life at sea.
Impulsar el ingreso de mujeres en las escuelas de la marina mercante, para que sean parte de las administraciones marítimas apoyándolas en su desarrollo profesional.
Encourage more young women into engineering, there are still very few in comparison to Deck
Gender equality as clearer path to progress &sustainable development when it comes to filling work-related gender gaps
I will make charterers to check the payroll of any proposed companies ,making sure that there is no pay gap before doing business with the companies.
To recruit woman seafarer would be obligatory for all shipping companies across the world , who prefers recruting only man seafarer. Seafaring has no gender, we are equal and we deserve to be considered as just a seafarer neither man nor woman.
I would make having children and starting a family to be an ability for all female seafarers no matter what nationality or which company you work for. Currently women feel they need to choose between starting a family and having a career when they should feel supported and able to do both.
Formar mujeres empoderadoras que puedan ocupar cargos administrativos en el sector Marítimo y Portuario de Colombia y del Mundo entero, desde la academia formamos el capital humano que serán los próximos a ocupar grandes cargos en este sector. La Universidad de La Guajira, forma jóvenes comprometidas con el sector Marítimo.
pay discrimination, actions for improving pay equality
Equal right for mothers and fathers which are seafarers
Introduce Global Uniform of Pride for seafarers.
I could maintain a fleet where ratio of woman should be equal to men.Many times I have seen that only 1 or 2 woman are onboard .If they are junior,they are suffering many mental trauma due to gender inequality .If they will be in equal ratio,she can enjoy her sailing rather than counting the days
Organisations must commit to deliver culture change from the leadership down and so as crews respond with inspiration to do more; do better; be accountable to deliver results and impact from an organisation’s written policy. #actnowdeliverresultstomorrow
We should embrace the diversities and create a work environment for everyone. There is enough space for everyone to develop their abilities. We should not expect a female to behave like a male and work like a male if we can improve the environment for both to be as efficient.
Que no seamos menospreciadas por ser mujer , que las emprendas nos dejen ser madres y esposas . Se no de la mismas oportunidades
We should be empowering women and men equally, not focus on the negatives, embrace a good working environment with professional and positive seafarers and gender equality can follow.
Lead with inspiration not intimidation
I am doing my PhD in Finland and I am inspired by their educational system. I will influence officials in Tunisia to change the educational system to motivate women to join this exiting field because they are still reluctant as the setup at the maritime institution is not ready to receive women equally as men
Companies should employ and train more females.there should be enlightenment that there are other profession in seafaring.. Not only to become captain/ engineers but there are other profession in the maritime industry..also there should be a law against harassment, molesting and bullying of female seafarers..Thanks
If there is one thing I could change, it will be the manner in which lady seafarers are treated on some vessels. Measures should be put in place for them to be treated fairly and with decency.
women are soul for any Place, Just believe in their abilities
Empower women is to make all conditions, from the academy until the high ranks, equal to everyone. Here is the time to shut off gender requirements for enrolling any position at sea. #IamOnBoard. Hats up for Brazilian Merchant Marine for the developments in such matter during the last decades.
Major Shipping companies must recognise the need to diversify the workforce and support women.Better outcomes for recruitment and retention start with education, training, legislation, and going through the spectrum of how we can support women and men on board and on shore,”
Expose more positive stories, and highlight more female role-models working at sea: https://bit.ly/2YcYmOj
Go out to schools and make sure that the girls know what the opportunities for seafarers are so that they can get the right education to achieve success whatever that may be.
One thing is sure, shipping globally does not lack relative organizations and/or associations, influencers, teachers, mentors and coaches to help tackle the problem, it lacks action; it may lack more MEN championing women’s rights as well! Mentoring and Equal Training is important
Change all the rescricted ideas related gender capability to have more peace ,joy and acceptance at sea
Respect and kindness! No matter you are!
All seafarers have working and living rights that include:employment contracts,accommodation, food and medical care.The MLC 2006 comes into force on August 2014.It replace all existing laws on seafarer rights.
give more chance to woman, they actually have competencies in Maritimes industry
We support this year’s Day of the Seafarer campaign. Empowering women in the workplace. Gender equality in seafaring.
Mentoring and creating awareness to our female children
Listen and understand what women need. They have much to contribute and they should want to make this industry not just a job, but a career.
women can take place in the maritime industry. More support to women, becausse everyone deserves the opportunity
Respect for women in maritime industry
Equal opportunities
harmony each every person onboaed
Empower and Police the maritime employment laws and standards internationally with the necessary legal back-up. Without exceptions!
Let them to be senior easier
provision and proper disposal of sanitary products on board ships for women seafarers
Encourage females to take part of this rewarding and global industry and start the recruitment to maritime industry at an early stage.
Need more rights and equality on maritime sector over the world.
Equal job opportunities and equal pay for all nationalities the world over. No wage discriminations.
To spread the word to everyone that this courses are do-able by ladies. If a girl wants to take the path explored by men, it is fine. Encourage them. Support them. Be their role model and friend. It is possible. It is fun. It is okay to dare to be different.
Mobilize my young sisters, educate them to embrace this sector. I think that more and more women should focus on training and acquire the necessary skills in the maritime field. Whether it is the machine or bridge industry, or even at the port, we, women, shall have to demonstrate our skills, patience and righteousness, as we have always been able to prove in other fields.
Equal opportunity and recognition for hard work & efforts.
Equal opprotunities in training, renumeration and job opportunities at all levels in the maritime sector. Affirmative action and equal representation in all levels of maritime jobs to ensure committment and realization of gender equality is the way forward. The sector should also promote ICT, automation and collaboration with STEM related fields to make it more open to the youth who wish to join the maritime sector in order to realize the UN SDGs .
Encouraging females to venture into Seafaring
Wages should be the same based on Rank or Role on board and not based on Nationality. Contracts should be between the Employer (Principal) and Seafarer, not Agency and Seafarer. Philippines should allow Filipino Seafarers to secure contract with Employers (Principal) and allow us to work without the Manning Agency Corrupting our salary, cortracts and benifits.
Educate educate to the shipping company owners,HR departments and Training centers the importance of gender equality at all the stages of this businesses. Doesn’t matter how many seafarers are graduating per year if they doesn’t get the employment because they gender or if they get it but with the half of benefits
Create a fund that finances education and training in maritime for girls and women, also include the Special needs community.
Empower woman leaders in the maritime community, the gender equality will lead to better health and environment in the entire industry
It must be accepted a new international law for obligatory of at least 15% women employment on board of each vessel.
Help campaign in various channels that we need to recognize the differences in the way both sexes are made lest we end up missing the ocean for the waves. Gender equality is highlighted to complement one another and not to duplicate or imitate the other sex. Together, they make one fantastic team. Identify distinctive differences and respect. Policy, technology and public awareness should be designed for complementing.
I would ensure easy and smooth placement of female seafarers onboard during cadetship and post cadetship; it should be embedded in the crewing regulations a minimum quota for the number of female officers onboard
By understanding that we are just two sides of the same coin
Flexibility of Period of contract, A provision should be made by companies for females for quick relieve. A rotational mode of work, like a relief plan, that will make room for flexibility as regards duration of contract especially for the married female seafarers. It’s an encouragement that will motivate female seafarers and balance gender issues.
Making a policy of mandatory employment for women seafarers per company based on the number of women seafarers in the Industry available and also mandatory posting of trainees on ships, phased over a limited period of time so as to create a space and opurtunity.
Proper rest hours are not maintained…we need strict compliance on it..only for paper works everything is been done.
Promote women candidacy for work at sea and to support equal rights for seafarers
Being considerate with shore leave! After all they are human
Create awareness about seafaring and the jobs available. Also provide education and training to any gender from a young age and without any discrimination
Pay diesent sallarys to all seafarers and not treat people as slaves
Global outreach programs and campaigns involving shipping companies, maritime institutes and seafaring community, thus creating opportunities for women to get enrolled in maritime institutes through affirmative action.
Make women more powerful not only in terms of giving good perks and salary but in terms of willpower also.Encourage those who are helpless and hapless and then you will definitely get gender equality. Provide good facility and opportunity in seafaring to both male and female.And that would be a calculated approach towards gender equality.
More training and scholarships in maritime and shipping education especially to kenyan women.
Make the opportunities same regardless the gender. No specific gender requirements for enrolling in any of the maritime field sectors. Be it for any ranks/positions.
A step change culturally towards acceptance and intolerance of harassment and discrimination.
Untill now i dont sail on a ship but i think we must at least recpect them at collage or academy
If you could make just one change to achieve gender equality in seafaring, what would it be? Share your inspiring ideas. Many things for sure, but for starter the #oldmindset that seafaring is just for men and men only. If we start from that and accept women in this industry with all our heart all will follow. No discrimination, No doubts, No comparison of what she/he can do. He/She can freely do what He/She is trained to do.
Women shall not hesitate to be a ship engineer. Indonesian women have experinced that they succeed in career as ship engineer
One ship with 20 men and 1 woman, or a ship with 20 women and 1 man crew? why not if they all are qualified and will be able to get their job done…
To advocate the importance of allowing, supporting, trusting and building up women on board. Allow them to be the very best in their roles.
Facilitar e impulsar la creación de asociaciones de mujeres relacionadas al sector marítimo especialmente en países menos desarrollados que apoyen para el ingreso en administraciones marítimas y portuarias, además de apoyar en el desarrollo profesional, mediante la inclusión en seminarios, conferencias y traslados a otros países que permita afianzar y aumentar conocimientos para su desarrollo profesional.
I’m from the world’s youngest nation the Republic of Sudan. I’m the first and the one seafarer from my country. I studied and graduated from AASTMT. I do come from a landlocked country and I’d love if the IMO makes policies for more inclusion of seafarers who are from such countries .
More women’s sized clothing for ship work
New generation ship nowadays is not like before. Combination of automation, IT, electrical and electronic is toroughly been apply onbooard. Position ETO is really crucial and needed to amended as part of safe manning. Thus the job tittle must be Equality in work load and gender tranperancy.
Lifetime Health Insurance and benefits for all the seafarers who successfuly reach the age above in service 60
Designate the percentage ratio of Jobs that must be secured for Female Seafarers, to ensure that every vessel has both genders working on board. The initial affirmation programme should be voluntary but eventually it should become mandatory as a form of commitment to Gender Equality !
The authorities, like the Transportation agency in Sweden, needs to start applying the laws that exist. Not only laws about gender and equality, but in generel, all laws, for exemplevis about safety and working environment. There is a generel idea and opinion that the laws, that we take as a natural thing on land, by some reason don’t apply at sea. That we don’t have to follow them. More women will like to work in the field if this lawlessness stops.
Not sure about the required dress codes for female Seafarers, but, do not require a feminization of their dress code. Many females in the US military branches have begun speaking out about this as far as requirements to wear skirts or dresses vs pants. Seafaring is a professional industry and requiring women to distinguish themselves by dressing differently than men puts women at a disadvantage by forcibly feminizing them. Many women do not want to be feminized in the workplace and should not be required to wear different uniforms than men. It should be their choice.
Respetando la opinión. Mi trabajo lo comparto con 3 mujeres de mando. Desarrollar la tolerancia cuando se expresan comentarios y observaciones. También son capaces y aptas para el desarrollo de los trabajos.
For a public maritime life, for all persons see the seafares´ life, as it is.
They need to look at us women first as professionals and not only as women, I have almost 20 years of profession and to this day I still need to prove that I am as professional, or better, as any man but despite having proven experience I still have to prove my professionalism and capacity. As a result, over the course of all these years I have been seeing and feeling the consequence of the preference for men even if they are proven to be bad professionals.
Designate maritime education and training programs to support women being recruited into nautical courses – both navigation and engineering courses – and thereby help shipowners to overcome their prejudice in hiring women.
Family planning. You cannot be pregnant and sail on the vessels I’m familiar with. That means a potential unpayed year of time off. That’s terribly difficult to work around. Many of the women I know simply choose work over having a family.
Equal anything’s…salary..rest time…way of directing a message to another
Lifeboat material must be included one disposable linethrow apparatus.
How society views women at sea. I believe that it starts at home. If the society does not see sailing as applicable to only males then there will be a huge change, we would achieve equality.
I would ask ship owners and key players in the industry to ensure a certain percentage of women are occupying positions in the field. Ships for instance should be able to accommodate at least 2 ladies onboard as compared to not having slots for ladies.
Employ More female cadets and other ranks.
Scholaships to encourage on board and ashore job opportunities
If I could make one change in this bussines, I would said at all of women that if you have a dream, you need to fight for this one…we need to be together , we need these is the key for avoid the discrimination.
Stop thinking that women always needs help to achieve manual jobs.
Aplicacao do servico a bordo ser igual para ambos os sexos
GDTA, I would like an IMO to create a boarding program for Cadets in Mozambique because our country is being approved by the Officers for lack of Policies that defend the interest of the Merchant Navy. B. Regards
I’d create campaigns to show how respectful and friendly the is environment is and showing women working at a lot of positions too
more respect and equal tasks , people have to see that’s same job and rank, so doesn’t matter the gender in case.
Hiring the quality one do not pay attention to the gender
Work clothing and PPE that actually fits.
Сreate an association of the seamen of the world
Equal wages must be consider without looking nationality or skin colour on all positions.
Above all a lot of respect!!!
Employ more female seafarers… Its five years since I graduated and got my license but no work.
Empowering other Women By Celebrating each others’s strength!
Understand the difference between gender and respect this also equal wegs and allow schoolarShip for the two as the same
Improved Leave Benefits (maternity and paternity) for Seafarers and offshore workers.
Banned country who doesnt implemented the Imo conventions and rules correctly !!!
Family/work balance for female seafarers, allowing female seafarers to raise families without discrimination and biasness. The current legislations on maternity benefits are mainly advantageous to shore based employees and not seafarers.
Honesty/ العدل
More opportunities, Equal chances and encouragement/mentor-ship for these seafarers.
Women should feel secure at sea. Most of the girls I talk to are scared of choosing offshore careers because they think a male dominated environment is not safe for them. At a certain stage, most women want to have children. Employers should be considerate or be a bit flexible when it comes to female seafarers and family life. Also, getting employment after graduating from the university is challenging for both males and females, but more so for the ladies. WIMA should organize(through the regional WIMAs) talks about offshore careers in secondary/high schools, with successful female seafarers as their guest/motivational speakers to allay their fears
Satellite service that is reliable and constant – enabling women (and men) to be in regular visual contact with their families. This might encourage more women to stay with their shipboard careers
Employ more South African females on international vessels
Give ourself more chance to challenge, striking for new skills and opportunity. Raise our voice, one day it will be hear.
Capacity building through training and development for empowerment.
we are all capable no matter what
Eradicate gender bias. Anyone can do the job well regardless of gender.
Empowering women through Maritime Education and Training .
1. Gender equality to be submit to ALL company 2. Pregnant leave
I can be more visible to future seafarers, to encourage and second I must educate my own family, my own son on how we like the world to be
Pay the real worked hours to the Tugboat crew at Svitzer Amsterdam. Pay the 49 hours per week and not 40 hours.
Education towards visibility
RESPECT – Respect for one’s self, Respect for others and other people’s Respect for you. This is one of mankind’s noble sentiments!
awareness on how to balance work and family. flexible /special contract for female seafarers
To promote females in Myanmar Maritime Industry and to get equal chances for all Myanmar seafarers under the leadership of IMO.
Make available proper training and scholarships to young girls wishing to enter the maritime industry.
Designate the percentage ratio of Jobs that must be secured for Female Seafarers, to ensure that every vessel has both genders working on board. The initial affirmation programme should be voluntary but eventually it should become mandatory as a form of commitment to Gender Equality !
Give as many opportunities for training to female cadets as the male colleagues. Ever so often from the training stage there are always fewer females selected, so the system is already creating a disadvantage.
The most important thing is that women must believe that they can and do it whenever they have chance!
Pay equality across Nationality
Equal opportunities, a chance for eveyone.
Give women a chance without doubt in the marine industry…. If we belived we can do it then the employees should believe it too
الاهتمام بالمرأة لجعلها فى مكان القياده لان يكون الا ابتداء من رفع كفأتها من الناحيه العلميه بشكل سليم حتى يكون لها رأى بناء يجعلها تستحق هذا الموقع الذى تهدف إليه بجداره
When it comes to women, in order to change the narrative and offer different paradigms, increasingly women should focus on training and acquiring necessary skills set and competencies in every field of the Maritime industry, so regardless of whether it be in the board room, the engine room, the bridge, quay side or any side of the broad spectrum of the maritime profession, women should bring their skills, patience and rectitude to bear just as we have proven capable in all other endeavours like Medicine, IT, Law, Engineering, Finance and Entertainment.
Real equal efforts real equal responsibilities, equal rewards and salary. Stop highlighting things just for the gender. We are equal and deserve same treatment in every aspect
Fair performance evaluation
Mindset or way of thinking because in this way everything else follows. Like love and respect for one another; unselfishly taking care for everybody not just for oneself or one group. Upholding common good.
Improved employment conditions across the board – lower working hours, shorter contracts, decent living and working conditions and proper family friendly employment policies will increase the attractiveness of the industry not only to women but all potential new recruits.
Increase the wages of seafarers
Ban mandatory pre-employment pregnancy tests
Instill in every person the confidence to use their voice and raise the discussion around the importance of inclusivity in the workplace, and by association, inclusivity in the earning economy. Driving change one voice at a time
Accommodation facilities on all newbuilds designed to support a crew of diverse gender – ensuring in some instances a workplace barrier is removed.
Stop discrimination in shipping & Jobs for Youth
Equal opportunities to all humans, irregardless their sex or nationality!
I called on member states of the International Maritime Organization to launch an Association of Girls and Women interested in the maritime industry in their countries within 1 year.
A culture of blanket acceptance despite differences in appearance
Equal chance to all
1. Give more control over their schedules and not prioritize time spent on-board over delivering results. 2. Squash workplace harassment.
We uphold…Promoting fair recognition of potentials, opportunities, rights of every gender and respect for all races : a road to enduring Seafarer diversity….
More automation with dual training in engineering & navigation
Improved career orientation, equality and diversity for maritime personnel and investors
helping seafarers to have peace of mind during their service on board.
Would have assigned quota for women in any marine related activities including IMO related activities and events as a mandate for IMO member countries.
Remove Corruption from Indian Recruitment and Training
Courses for male/female on this job (how to deal with different issues/situation in gender diversity point of view; male/female brain structure and why it is important to understand difference to get equal/expected output; understanding: we are not same, but we complete each other, as naturally we have different point of views and therefore it is easier to get full picture and work range covered; why gendre diversity matters; etc).
Stability, fairness & equality in the marine sector
I will make it mandatory for all vessels to carry minimum of two women on board
Our attitude and thinking should be change about gender equality, then everything will be change automatically. If a women can give birth a man, then why she can’t do anything what man’s do. Of course she can do. Moreover we should take massive action to remove this segregation rather than just talking about gender equality. Encourage you daughter and sister to take more challenge and encourage them to do whatever they want to do.
Equal opportunity to allerrespective of gander……. Like port chairman
More scholarships for female Seafarers
My one change is to go out to my own interior village an enlightened the females on seafaring job.
No discrimination
Focus on new generation school teaching about equaling
Better persception of women. She too has ability.
Racism should be eliminated through proper sensitization. Everyone is equal before there are no first class seafarers nor second class seafarers . As we mark this day please let us embrace one another and treat everyone equally.
More scholarships for women seafarers
Equal opportunities irrespective of the gender
To allow stronger female voices & opinions on sea pollution, helping women and children to escape war
Courage: we need to empower women in africa and change the Egyptian mindset of parents
Empowering Workplace Support for Women Seafarers
End discrimination and all exploitation against women.
Please make it a requirement for companies to provide female sanitary products onboard their ships, just so I don’t have to pack a five month supply.
Scholarships mostly for cadet’s Cadets mostly are neglected and if they are not well trained and their careers in the maritime sector supported through scholarship either by government or companies there will be a problem in years to come
Sanitary products on all ships…
Don’t stereotype females. Give the equal opportunity irrespective of gender
Create a support group for nigerian women at sea and industry at large
Discrimination and violence on women must be stopped
Scholarship for cadet’s
Equal opportunities irrespective of gender
Equal opportunity to all irrespective of gender
Women on board vessels when pregnant should not be seen as liability for the company
Treated as equals with equal pay
Equal opportunity to all irrespective of gender
Men Officers, who pressurized females onboard for sex ,should be dismissed from the industry.
PPE that fits. Particularly boots and gloves!
Equal Pay
Better welfare and opportunity for everyone.
Scholarships for brilliant females intrested.
More women mentors on the top level management. I see very few who go beyond executive positions . More women in decision making roles are required and organizations should nurture talent and not gender.
I think we could broadly accept the offshore work,no matter weather if you are working on water or working from home to contributeprojectsof offshore. It can easily get more professionals in here Including men and womens
Not to discriminate seafarers onboard ships as man or women at work but to see and treat with equal eyes. We are all seafarers be it men or women and must be treated equally
Provide more scholarship to aid training for Seafarers
Mutual respect
More women are needed in leadership roles – on ships and ashore, in order to provide the female perspective on the executive / senior level.
encourage young girls from African countries to take up seafaring jobs
جوده التعليم للجميع
Promote more women to top management position
Safety Gear that fits.
More effective anti sexual harassment laws
More training and scholarship.our voice be hard and heard
My one change is mentoring for female seafarers.
More training and scholarship.our voice be hard and heard
Gender Equality and Respect to each other should be one of the core values of the Seafaring Industry. The different behaviour, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favoured equally.
Equal opportunity
To be treated equally and not undermined.
Equal opportunity to all irrespective of gender
Build team spirit amongst women, because they end up being a barrier rather than supporting female leaders. There is urgent need for value re orientation of the female and need to help chosen leaders even when they can identify her weaknesses. Males think we are not serious with this drive because we are not coordinated.
More awareness on the opportunities available for females in Seafaring.
Denouncing the age old notions that seafaring is solely a male dominated profession and encouraging young girls at an early age to take on the challenge of entering into the seafaring profession.
More visibility for women in shipping
Give woman more opportunity
Sensitisation of career development for ratings
Equal scholarships
Encourage more and more women in shipping fraternity
Effective punishment to sexual harassment.
Visitez d’une façon périodique les ports des pays voisins pour les femmes qui travailles dans le domaine maritime pour changer les compétences et les connaissances
Equal opportunities for gender equality, we are pancadaria( meaning prepared to embrace any work.
Zero tolerance against harassment.
Scholarship for maritime seagoing courses for females with cadetship training to complement it
Hi, I’m from India.Many women wants to join maritime but they fear the bias nature. I would suggest there be separate institute for specially women for getting into maritime field.
More equality for all, men and women can serve on maritime circumstance, even seafarer on board vessel.
More diversity in leadership and teams: gender, age, nationality
Créer académie maritime dans mon pays RDC pour former. Favoriser la prise en charge des femmes à WMM; effectuer les audits dans les États membres pour évaluer ce programme.
There should be an enough space for women on the vessel so that they can also work as we men we do
Equal wages irrespective of nationality based on ranks.
Career guidance and sponsorship for female seafarers
Female seafarers should be give equal platform for promotions
More support to women in the maritime industry
A Woman must not accept. She must challenge.Everyone deserves the opportunity, based on their qualifications and not based on their genders.
More scholarship
Woman must not accept. She must challenge.Everyone deserves the opportunity, based on their qualifications and not based on their genders.
Appoint a woman as Minister of Transport
More training
Create an advantage for crew comprising at least 20-30% of females
Have more African women in leadership positions
Shore leave must be mandatory without the need of any visa other than the crew visa
A greater awareness to girls in the earlier years or education about maritime career opportunities
Equal opportunity for all
Increase women’s participation in the industry through increased scholarship and IMO to encourage member countries to enroll more women through scholarship and early publicity in basic scho.
More scholarships
Awareness of opportunity as sea farer through sensitisation programmes
عمل دورات تدريبية للجنسين يكون من ضمن موضوعاتها المساواة بين الجنسين بشكل نفسي اكتر منه علمي و بأسلوب لا يستطيع المتلقي نفسه معرفة انه مقصود
I will impress it on my Government, to ratify and domesticate the relevant Convention on Gender equality.
Impress on my Government to ratify and domesticate the relevant Convention on Gender equality.
Equity for Gender Maritime Education
There must be gender equality in Maritime up to now only few women are part of marine, we need to educate, encourage and make women to understand so they can take marine careers.. I thank you
Empower women by implementing laws protecting their rights and welfare.
Recruit more women and employer to be open minded to employ women by merit. Have incentives for employers who employ more women.
Understanding between office and onboard ship management
Give scolarships to young people
Equality in Pay, Proper Sanitation
gender respect must begin in primary school and in the family
Women shall be treated like they are capable of the work on engine rooms because actually we are capable to do anything we want.
Open mindedness
Criminalisation of seafarers must be stopped. Our voice should be heard.
Equal employment opportunities
I am the one on Egypt who penetrate the trucking field So I need to have a community for women of trucking
Wamen empowerment
Make the female Work of interior designe more active in ports
Increase number of training courses and scholarships for female and empower them throw their jobs and organizations
Making awareness to the female students at school level and guide them for marine education
More opportunities for female to be placed as ETO in companies as very less companies are hiring lady eto onboard. Thankyou Romeeta bundela Electro technical officer Maersk line limited
Early awareness to potential seafarers that the industry is changing for the better, and fast!!
Égalité des chances pour tous
Stop comparing us to each other
Awareness on gender issues, for ship and shore personnel. Education is the key!
Include women in the maritime industry as part of the National Development Plan.There is a future out at Sea
Legislation on employing women for each maritime company in all countries. There are much companies still do not prefer to employ women on board ships. This is the only one way to make it force to them! Enforcement is necessary!
I would you support gender equality on training. I feel that many women are desperate to provide a better service on the water, or to change function, to make her career greater, but she isn’t supported to explore it, to make a change, to learn it more, or even better to keep learning things. Just because she’s a girl. I feel that on groups of maybe 20 men there’s on woman only …
.Give the same opportunity to men and women in hiring and then the quality will take place
Equal opportunity to all irrespective of gender
introduce fitness & competence as the only criteria for employment of seafarers
Equal opportunity for all gender for job application and promotion
Encourage women to enter the marine field to study and make women be always part of all crew on ships
Give chances to newcomer/newbie to experience different kind of ship operation. How to gain experience if there’s no place to learn. And company nowadays are looking for experience officer/engineer with specific experience but hardly give one to new people
Basic employment rights including equality enshrined in International Law via amendments to STCW.
to recruite female Pilots
To make it compulsory for every shipping/recruiting company to have at least 1-2% female seafarers onboard their vessels / recruited by the company..
more women should be employed all world ship on board
Proper Trade Union protection for each seafarer
Equal opportunity to all irrespective of gender
Give more opportunities to females officers
Improving the living condition onboard as a whole to allow for a more suitable place for women to work in.
For every company to establish specific guidelines when having female officers onboard. This to ensure that female seafarers are being treated equally and accordingly, to avoid any unnecessary circumstances such as harrasment.
Flexible sea contract for married woman seafarer
Change the mindsets of those that think women have limited capacity and/or are not competent to achieve great things in positions of power.
Equal salary and further carrer opportunities
Female Seafarer Help line.
Maternity leave wth salary. More scholarship for women
Raise Awareness Among Shipping Company
Minimum wage set for each position
The same equality between both genders and hopefully more company in Malaysia accept female officer to go ob their fleets
I hope there’s an implementation or policy to recruit mariners regardless of their gender. An action shall be taken for recruiters who refused to recruit female seafarer.
Gender won’t make a change..it’s the mindset..”RESPECT” is the key to stayed “SAFE” on our profesion.
Female role models, instead of feeling like my career was bucking the system.
Equitable quality education
Equal benefits and treatment for all nationality.
What a man can do a woman can do better. So crimination of seafarers must be stopped. Let it be 50/50
Stop racism in the industry. Give opportunities irrespective of color to all in all domains of Shipping Industry.
More scholarships and equal benefits on board in terms of gender
coexistence on Board
Equal opportunity irrespective of gender.
Equal demands from both genders regarding work.
Teaching my children that all individuals are equal.
Equal internship and job opportunities shoul be provided.
Have a legal instrument in place for equal opportunities
Promoting the public awareness of re-defined gender neutral seafaring professions by highlighting existing & up and coming talents.
Flexibility in contracts where both spouses are seafarers where they would alternate to enable at least one spouse be with the children on land jobs while the otherbis on board. That way both are enabled to work in seafaring
More scholarships
Better safety to prevent sexual harrassement
Adequate facilities to obtain and dispose of feminine hygiene products onboard
Let women at sea just be ‘people at sea’ alot of this visibility of Women at Sea and Women’s Equality at sea is causing sexism where it never used to exist! We all work at sea to do the same job, praise us all! #peopleatsea
Equality ,respectively,share opportunity,idea and team work ,Don’t misbehavior at any kind situation of circumstances
To educate families & assure them its a normal environment for their daughters to work at sea.
Attractive and better working conditions for the female counterparts and seaferers at large.
Equal opportunity to all irrespective of gender
More scholarships
Criminalisation of seafarers must be stopped. Our voice should be heard.
More opportunities in place for women to reach higher ranking positions
Quality education for all
Proper facilities to obtain and dispose of feminine hygiene products
More visibility for women in shipping
Equal pay
Open mindedness
Transparency on contracts